Tuesday, January 25, 2011

And the long-awaited return...

... of Evan Howard to blogging!

I'm sitting here at work, watching the State of the Union. And while I've been sitting here, I've decided that it's about time to re-start this guy up.

Now, it would probably be LOGICAL to start back up where I left off, but that's a loooooong time ago, so that's not gonna happen until I've got some notes or something with me. So pretty much, this is gonna be current stuff that's been going on.

This is my second week back on campus, and it's been incredibly busy so far. Apart from having a pretty crazy class schedule, I've been heading up the prep for our mock trial program's first competition of the semester this past weekend. We took two teams down to St. Paul for a tournament at St. Thomas Law School. We had quite a few new people to mock trial, which is really unusual for this time of the year, so I was going into this tournament with realistic expectations, not so much optimistic. In the end, one team placed 11th out of 18, which was pretty satisfying.

That's all I've got, I guess. This is way lamer than I hoped it would be... apologies. Check back later for a more entertaining entry.