Sunday, September 1, 2013

What's next?

As promised in my last post, I'd have some exciting news for you in the future  Well, at this point the drama is all but vaporized, as you all know what I'm about to share with you.  I've been awarded a Fulbright grant to work with high school students at Psychico and Athens Colleges in Athens, Greece.  Obviously, I'm pretty stoked about the opportunity, and I hope to use this as both a personal development tool as well as professional development.  For your convenience, the rest of this post will be a FAQ section.  If your question isn't included on the list, then you'll either have to Skype me for the answer or live without knowing it (OR I suppose you could write a comment...)!

Q:  "Will you be teaching, or will you be a student at the college?"  (Another variation: "Are you qualified to teach college students?")
A:  The institution I'm working at is a private Greek primary and secondary school, serving grades 1-12.  College is just a term used in Greece for this type of institution  Also, the school has its own campus (a pretty nice one, too -- more on that later), which is probably the biggest similarity to the college you're thinking of.

Q:  Have you been to Greece before?
A:  Nope!  My first time on Grecian soil was about 20 hours prior to the posting of this entry.

Q:  What language do they speak in Greece?
A:  Greek...

 Q:  What will you be teaching?
A:  Good question!  That's one topic that is still up in the air right now.  My primary role will be in the English department, rotating among the various classes to teach a lesson or a unit at a time.  Other jobs may include some college admissions counselling, SAT preparation courses, some extracurricular activities, and hopefully some time in other classrooms of my choosing (i.e. social studies).

Q:  What about the Prep School?  Wasn't that a great job?
A:  Sure it was.  The biggest difference between the Prep School and here (among many smaller differences) is that this school is in Athens, whereas the Prep School is in Minnesota.  I trust you can see the allure...

Q:  How long will you be gone?
A:  I'll be working over here until mid-July 2014.  There's a good chance I'll be back in the States for the Christmas season, and I promise I'll bring some Athenian weather with me.

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